Shae and I might have looked ridiculous dragging ski poles along a gravel road in the summertime. BUT the ski poles made a noise that might warn snakes of our approach. Shae did find one small dead snake – the color of a rattler. No other snakes detected. Snakes shed their skin and are considered a symbol of transformation, wisdom, alchemy and healing. Nonetheless, I’d rather encounter a dead snake than a defensive one, ready to strike.
Dolphins played a primary role in my fanciful meditation this morning, enticing me to ride on their back, luring me into the expansive ocean, as I playfully rolled across their backs. In this energy I felt expanded, playful and enormously nourished.
- Poem from Magic of Dolphins
- by Horace Dobbs
Pushing through green waters Symbol of joy
You leap from the depths
To touch the sky
Scattering spray
Like handfuls of jewels
Not caged by union rules
Unfettered by sales targets
No trains, or planes to catch
Your time is set by the flow
Of the sea’s tide
And the moon’s glow
You give us images of ecstasy
That we lock away
Behind the doors of memory
For quiet moments
When released by our possessions
We dream of freedom like yours