

We returned HOME ! ALL is well!

By |2012-07-08T12:52:16+00:00July 8th, 2012|News|

Thanks to so many of you who offered supporting energy and kept us in your hearts. We came home on Tuesday June 29th and the Pre-evacuation notice was lifted on Friday July 1. What a glorious time! Even cleaning out the refrigerator and the freezer, a very smelly task, given the electricity was off for [...]

6/27/12 – We are still on pre-evacuation notice – Join me in sending protective energy to ALL affected by the Colorado Fires

By |2012-06-27T12:38:35+00:00June 27th, 2012|Main Page, News|

We are still on pre-evacuation notice and others have not yet been allowed to their homes in Redstone Canyon. Fires continue to erupt and rage across Colorado.  Please join me in sending protective energy to ALL affected by the fires. (CNN) -- Predicted thunderstorms could complicate efforts Wednesday to tame an explosive wildfire that has [...]

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