I will be a guest Master Coach on the Moore Master Coaching teleclass series on Wednesday February 9, 2011 from 3-4pm MST. Hear me coaching a real world session, ask questions, get mp3 and ICF CCE’s.
MMC is offering a special 20% off discount to my friends for my single call or both of the February calls. Just use the coupon code JCKING Visit http://bit.ly/c4FGF0
By joanking|2011-02-06T14:25:48+00:00February 6th, 2011|News|
Joan King’s life path embodies the blending of the hard and noetic sciences. At the tender age of seventeen, she stepped into life at the Dominican convent in her hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana. Eleven years later she left that religious training to become a chemist, and then received a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology. Her twenty-year tenure as a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, lead her to a dynamic crossroads of personal self-discovery. She left academia. Her new found "inner knowing" ignited the writing of her first book. It became the foundation in understanding how our bodies model the teachings of our beliefs. Joan King’s blending of science and spirituality birthed her professional coaching business, Beyond-Success LLC, in 1998.