
Life’s DAZZLING energy!

Joan C King
Nov. 7, 2013


 Life’s DAZZLING energy
draws me in
to recognize its magnificence,
to roll around in its abundance
and rejoice in its unfathomable power!

I recognize and am grateful for
its presence in all dimensions of my being.

Funny, how close I feel
to the DAZZLING energy of life
in the midst of difficulty
at this particular moment.

I relish the GiFT of Life
in all its expressions
those we embrace as wonderful
and those our minds cannot comprehend!

Am I being called into another way of being?
to embrace the unknown?
to live at the edge of life
with all its complexity?
to open the tender spots of my being
to more life and love?
to become “whole” in a new way?
to birth MORE of who I can become?

If so, my answer is YES!