dith Hamman | www.judithhamman.com
We all have boundless potential, so as Coach to Entrepreneurs and Consultant to groups and teams, my work is about creating powerful collaborative spaces where potential is set free, capacities to love and influence are expanded, and greater meaning is created.
My specialty is in the development of a purpose process and statements for individuals and owners that can be operationalized into clear business ‘whys.’ A similar process is implemented with teams and groups. The business ‘why’ then becomes a shared dynamic that, when owned by everyone, inspires team members to give more and be more accountable.
The exciting thing that happens for entrepreneurs and owners is a new freedom from which to expand their capacity to influence their teams, their business, and their future. They also have tools for developing greater resilience for problem solving, moving forward from setbacks, and scaling.
For teams and groups, this collaborative experience provides connection and meaning in their everyday work. People become more engaged and produce better business results.
For the past 7 years, I have been coaching entrepreneurs who have successfully made their purposes actionable in either their own business or the difference they made in the world. With this foundational work, they have created futures they thought unobtainable or they had yet to envision.
I come to this work as an ex-Founder and CEO of a small entrepreneurial company in the real estate industry. I put together and worked with a team of professionals for over 15 years who did outstanding and difficult work often under tough circumstances. We created a series of public-private partnerships around large multi-million dollar infrastructure projects, and in the process, they taught me how collaboration and decision making is done well.
My early career was as an educator with a Master’s degree in Special Education serving the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The experience included teaching in the classroom, evaluating school programs on a statewide level, and running experimental programs for Deaf Adults.
My coaching certification is from Success Unlimited Network, a coaching program certified through the International Coach Federation and my coach training was with the late Joan C. King Ph.D., an Author, Speaker, Neuroscientist, Master Coach Trainer, Mentor and Founder of Beyond Success, LLC.
Tiffany Lehman | www.livingonpurposecoaching.com
Tiffany Lehman is a business and life coach, therapist, writer, and speaker with a professional and educational background in counseling and psychology. As the president and founder of Living On Purpose Business and Life Coaching, a member of the International Coach Federation and the American Counseling Association, Tiffany assists her clients to become more effective, balanced and fulfilled in their business and personal lives.
Tiffany enjoys supporting and challenging her clients as they explore, clarify, and pursue a unique vision and life purpose. Her ideal clients are individuals who recognize that life should be fulfilling, and who view coaching and counseling as a vehicle for transforming their lives.
Kathleen Kloepfer | www.creatingimpact.com
Kathleen combines over 25 years of business and non-profit experience with her professional coaching certification to challenge and support both individuals and organizations in transforming their performance and results. She has coached and mentored professionals since 2000 and officially obtained her coaching certification in 2006.
Kathleen’s style is practical, grounded, analytical, and sensitive. She collaborates with her clients to identify their specific organizational and developmental needs and then designs a strategy and approach to address those needs. She brings compassion, enthusiasm, and perspective.
Strengths as a Coach
Kathleen’s coaching services produce proven substantial results. Clients say she emanates a level of trust and confidence that allows them to take action and get the outcomes they truly desire. She enables them to discover their own solutions through thought-provoking questions, powerful listening and support.
Kathleen challenges clients to work to their highest potential and they report they are more open and responsive to change, have improved performance and productivity as well as more satisfying relationships.
By working with Kathleen, you will get
- Clarity and understanding of your beliefs and leadership style. Empowerment to think differently and identify solutions to workplace challenges.
- Ability to identify your areas of opportunity, set goals, develop strategies, and declare who you need to be.
- Awareness of your values, motivators, working traits and social styles. Clients report a heightened awareness of how they are showing up and the ability to make empowered choices to create a team and culture they want to work in.
Kathleen lives an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle and encourages others to do the same. In her spare time she enjoys reading, connecting to nature, stretching her mind through the performing arts, playing in the outdoors, and spending time with family.
Kathleen received her coach training from Erickson College International and received her Associate Certified Coach designation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the regulating body of the coaching world.
Meagan O’Nan | www.couragethebridgetofreedom.com
Meagan is a keynote speaker, award-winning author, photographer, artist, and her purpose to help bring unity and understanding to all situations. She has had extensive experience in her own life learning how to rise above other people’s perceptions by embracing who she is. As a gay woman from Mississippi, she has gone from feeling like a failure and not believing in herself to knowing that she serves an important purpose and perspective in the world. She has moved mountains inside to find herself while still striving to love those around her. Now she is helping others work through the glitches and ditches of their everyday life, moving them out of a place of helplessness and into a place of empowerment through her speaking, writing, coaching, and by simply having conversations with others.
Meagan earned a bachelor’s degree in Educational Psychology and a master’s degree in Counseling from Mississippi State University. These, coupled with extensive life coach training with world renowned author, teacher and life coach Dr. Joan King (Success Unlimited Network), have given her both the tools and experience to not only work through tough circumstances in her own life but in others’ lives as well.
Meagan’s first book, entitled “Creating Your Heaven on Earth – Unveiling the Truth that Was Always There,” won the 2009 Silver Medal “Living Now” Book Award from the Jenkins Group. “Creating Your Heaven on Earth” received notable reviews from Grady Harp, Midwest Book Review, Awareness Magazine, 12 Step Gazette, BellaSpark Magazine, and many others. “Creating Your Heaven on Earth” has also been published in two other languages, Italian and Slovenian.
Meagan has had extensive experience on radio and television. She has been a featured guest on NPR, WCBI (a local regional TV station), and numerous other radio and web-television shows.
As a keynote speaker, Meagan has collected a rich resume of experience since her first book was published. She has been a featured speaker and leadership trainer for many organizations. Her travels have taken her both nationally and internationally. Her most notable speaking engagement was alongside best-selling authors Don Miguel and Don Jose Ruiz and Grammy-Award Winning Musician Joanne Shenandoah at the Palace Theater in Syracuse, New York.
Meagan’s second book, “Courage: Agreeing To Disagree Is Not Enough,” was published in September 2014. Meagan also does photography to compliment her writing as well as custom pieces for others (see the Courage Perspective page for examples).
Meagan is currently working on a new project called, “Beyond Labels,” that is represented in her blog and will also serve as a community event.
Deborah Howard | www.guidingchange.com
Deborah is a leading organizational consultant, ICF certified professional coach, and author who previously worked as a public interest lawyer. She brings intercultural insight and a passion for social justice to her work as a change catalyst – helping leaders and their teams transform themselves and the world by tapping into their wisdom and creative potential.
Deborah is a member and board member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, author of Repairing the Quilt of Humanity: A Metaphor for Healing and Reparation, and serves on the Editorial Board of The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Her work with organizational leaders and teams includes:
- Coaching leaders to live and work in alignment with their purpose and values, enabling them to re-ignite passion and bring out the best in themselves and others
- Working with team members to strengthen their relationships and collaborate creatively across differences
- Enabling leaders to make strategic decisions to overcome challenges, manage change and fulfill their organizational mission
In her prior career as a lawyer in high-level positions across sectors, Deborah was motivated to use the law to help create positive social change. She began to see how she could make a greater difference – and fuller use of her skills and talents – helping organizations develop work environments that are inclusive and just. This led her to earn a master’s degree in organization development from American University/NTL after obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a law degree from the Northeastern University School of Law.
Previously, Deborah worked for the Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute as Director of the Law School Consortium Project, where her focus was supporting law schools and solo practitioners to meet the legal needs of low and moderate-income communities. This experience gave her insight into the challenges non-profits face in accomplishing important organizational missions with limited resources. Earlier, Deborah was Director of Career Services at New York Law School, where she focused on helping graduates of color and first generation law school graduates gain access to and succeed in the legal profession.
In the public sector, Deborah served as an Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of New York Department of Law, and was Assistant Attorney General for Alaska’s Office of the Attorney General. She also worked in private practice in Washington, D.C.
Deborah’s experience also includes having lived, studied, and worked in Japan as well as working in Singapore and India. While an undergraduate majoring in East Asian Studies, she spent a year at Waseda University in Tokyo, where she studied Japanese language and culture, also earning her black belt in Judo. She returned to Japan later, after practicing law in Alaska, to study law for a year and a half at Doshisha University in Kyoto through a fellowship awarded by the Japanese Ministry of Education.
Peggy Caputo | www.peggycaputo.com
Peggy Caputo owns S.A.I.L. (Sculpt An Inspired Life) Professional Life Coaching, a service that provides, Transition and Loss Coaching, Spiritual Direction/Mentoring, Speaking Engagements, Classes and Retreats. She has a BA in Religious Studies, is a Certified Success Unlimited Network Coach (trained by Joan), Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, has Advanced Certification as a Spiritual Director, is a Reiki Master, and Advanced Esoteric Healing Practitioner. Prior to owning S.A.I.L. Professional Life Coaching, Peggy worked as a pastoral minister and religious formation director for over twenty years in the Catholic Church.
Peggy is married to her college sweetheart, Mike. Together with the aid of their two adult children they operate a summer sailing charter business, Phoenix Charters LLC, which sails on Lake Michigan or Portage Lake from the Portage Point Inn near Onekama, MI.
Peggy believes that rough seas are a part of every life journey. Sometimes the only thing we can do is batten down the hatches and hold the ship steady. Then when the storm is over we often need to alter our course. Professional Coaching is a tremendous support that will help you navigate through the challenges and sail into a brilliant sunset.
Following are a few ways that coaching with Peggy can help you move through the storm and begin Sculpting An Inspiring Life:
- Acknowledge and accept the losses,
- Identify your strengths and core values,
- Clarify your sense of purpose and vision,
- Recover your passion for life and your profession,
- Discover tools for producing consistent and reliable results,
- Build deeper meaning in your relationships,
- Explore outdated beliefs and assumptions that may be holding you back,
- Improve your sense of well-being and wholeness.
Kathleen Brown | www.fullyyou.com
Kathleen Brown, PhD is an educator, trainer, leadership coach and recognized expert in the training, group development, social justice, personal growth and organizational leadership and development fields. She is an advocate for personal empowerment and is skilled in refining and defining individual and group values aligned with team and organizational results. Her unquestionable integrity and belief in collective endeavors is only surpassed by her humanistic drive to proactivity, self-expression and individual, group and organizational advancement. She is a champion of, and for, the marginal voice in collective efforts and is committed to examining and advancing the leadership potential of all peoples.
Kathleen is a highly recognized and skilled group process consultant and has facilitated the renowned Training Groups (T-groups) since 1999 in the Graduate School of Business (GSB) at Stanford University. She currently serves as a guest trainer for the Facilitators Training Program in Stanford’s GSB, is a senior trainer in the National Training Laboratories’ (NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science/NTL) Human Interaction Laboratory and is qualified to participate as a trainer of trainers for Human Interaction Labs.
Passionate about self-development, self-empowerment, and leadership, Kathleen has been instrumental in founding programs such as the Women’s Leadership Program, Strategies for Success for Women of Color, and the Facilitators Training Program, all three at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). In April of 2001, she received the UCSF Chancellor’s Award for the Advancement of Women in recognition for her work with women, women’s groups and female identities.
Kathleen is an adjunct Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, where she has taught Group Dynamics, Group Intervention, and Ways of Relating for Leaders. She has been a Faculty Lecturer at Saint Mary’s College of Moraga, California where she taught Leadership Theory, Practice of Building a Learning Community, and Building Cross-Cultural Capacity in the Masters in Leadership Program.
Kathleen’s educational achievements include a B.A. in Social Work from the University of California, Berkeley; a B.S. in Physical Therapy from the University of California, San Francisco; an M.A. in Organizational Development & Transformation from CIIS, San Francisco; and a PhD in Humanities, with a concentration in Transformative Learning and Change from CIIS.
Kathleen has been an NTL Member for over 10 years, is a past-Chair of the Board of Directors of NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science and a current member of NTL and of the Organization Development Network. She has over 25 years’ experience in Organizational Development & Transformation as a coach, consultant, and group facilitator.
Her enviable process consulting skills together with her understanding and interpretations of team and group dynamics as well as her consciousness in addressing social justice issues at all levels of systems is a critical contribution to transition work, most especially her ability to provide voice and visibility to often over looked systems dynamics.
A Moment of Reflection: Surrendering for Higher Dreams by Deborah Howard
“Any real change implies the break up of the world as one has already known it. The loss of all that gave one identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to […]
Introduction to the Guest Blog
Joan’s guest coaches will be providing blog content here in the coming months. Keep an eye out for updates to this page in the future!