

Day 25 – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!

By |2010-06-29T10:22:17+00:00June 29th, 2010|News|

Watch and listen to Joan read Emily Dickenson's poem "I dwell in Possibility."Video 7. As I walked today, a full hour reaching my normal mid-point site, I thought about what is the first step in "Dwelling in Possibility" in meeting a challenge. It has been for me and I believe it is also true for you [...]

Day 21 – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!”

By |2010-06-25T12:58:57+00:00June 25th, 2010|News|

Watch Joan speaking from her office in this video Video 2. After surgery we returned to our friend's home in Denver and soon thereafter I began eating fruit, laying down and watching TV of "Big Cats" with Stu. Later I was able to have supper with Maggie's family and guest. It was wonderful. This morning [...]

Out of surgery – Day 20

By |2010-06-24T10:39:20+00:00June 24th, 2010|News|

Just talked with the surgeon and Joan did well.  She is in phase 1 recovery and I will be able to see her in about an hour.  They now have the tissue they need to determine what happens next.

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