

One week after Chemo Cycle 1 – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!” – 1 month, 3 weeks and 6 days

By |2010-08-14T07:44:58+00:00August 14th, 2010|News|

Beautiful August morning in the canyon greeted us, Stu and I on our walk. Still walking only half the distance of my usual walk. Next week we are off to Ljubljana, Slovenia, formerly in Yugoslavia. Dubrovnik, in Croatia, almost to Montenego, is also a former part of Yugoslavia and the origin of my mother's family. Many of you have [...]

Day 5 after chemo – following “My Personal Call to Greatness! 1 month, 3 weeks and 4 days

By |2010-08-12T06:30:06+00:00August 12th, 2010|News|

Lydia Doty's house was filled with message professionals,  hair stylists, make up artists, models, all of whom lived or are living through the cancer experience, and organizers from "Hope Lives" sharing Quiches made by Cathie or food donated by The Rustic Oven, wearing clothes from various boutique clothing stores in Fort Collins and Loveland. Stories floated [...]

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