

Last week’s book signing at Borders in Broomfield – Thank You all!! Now 2 days after Chemo #4 – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!”

By |2010-10-11T09:16:13+00:00October 11th, 2010|News|

Thank you, my dear friends, for driving from Fort Collins CO and Loveland, CO to accompany me to this book signing. Ann Clarke thanks for organizing this and driving us all! YOU made this a special event! AND thank you my friends from Boulder for joining us. I hope that each of you received a [...]

“RIGHT time?” – A Jolt of Joan Podcast – for the week of Oct 4, 2010

By |2015-03-05T18:48:46+00:00October 3rd, 2010|Jolts, News, Podcasts|

My Passion is Your SUCCESS! This is why I podcast "A Jolt of Joan" weekly - FREE!  Listen, and if you like it, subscribe to receive them weekly. This week I address "Right time?" - This question plaques many today. I hope the podcast helps you determine a true response to this question.

A tribute to Diane

By |2010-09-29T07:04:58+00:00September 29th, 2010|News|

Early in the evening yesterday, we received the news, our friend and colleague, Diane Hetherington, passed away. A Tribute to Diane Your presence infused us with the energy of your being, an open, inviting and loving energy. It aches, deeply, to know we no longer have your physical presence among us. All night last night [...]

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