

The Radiance of Being – Let yours shine today

By |2010-12-20T08:14:04+00:00December 20th, 2010|News|

The Radiance of Being Joan C. King Today, let the radiance of your being shine! How do you do this? Just BE the TRUTH of who you are! We have no true comprehension of the magnificence of our being. My experience with the cells of our body has opened a portal for me to see [...]

Another milestone – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!”

By |2010-12-15T16:07:55+00:00December 15th, 2010|News|

Yesterday, I had the port through which chemo reagents were introduced into my body removed at the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver! HOORAY - another milestone that life is returning to become more normal! Thanks, Carmen, my friend, for chauffeuring me to Denver, celebrating my release from chemo at dinner and sharing our themes [...]

Happy to say – I am scheduling appointments, once again! 2 weeks and a day after the LAST chemo – following “My Personal Call to Greatness!”

By |2010-12-04T14:26:00+00:00December 4th, 2010|News|

Ah, the joy of life! Joan C. King As the flow of life increases I am feeling almost like a normal person! I am happy to say I am scheduling appointments once again, this time around my radiation schedule. It feels so wonderful to begin to taste life once more, to feel energy, even though [...]

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