The TRANSFORMING power of love! – A Jolt of Joan – for the week of Nov. 1, 2010.
This week's topic is The TRANSFORMING power of love.
This week's topic is The TRANSFORMING power of love.
A time for surrender by Joan C. King It's two am the morning after Chemo #5. It is a time for surrender to the impending depth of fatigue that will call me into a cave by tomorrow night. At first, the fatigue lasted a week after chemo treatment, then two weeks. How long will fatigue [...]
I thoroughly enjoyed the speakers and their messages - the level of expertise and the connection with the attendees was extraordinary. So glad I was invited to participate. It is a joy to experience the depth of knowledge coupled with the open heart connection of a group of extraordinary coaches. Consider signing up for next [...]
I experienced so much kindness from my fellow models, organizers and everyone associated with Hope lives, I speak about "The Generosity of Kindness" in the Jolt for this week.
I will be one of the breast cancer models at the Gala, Fort Collins, CO, Hilton Hotel - 5:30 pm - silent auction; 6:45 pm sit down dinner. Come and contribute to the support of women with breast cancer. Meet the models and read their stories of surviving! Register for this wonderful event.
This is the MOST beautiful arrangement of orchids!!! Thank you, my friends. Thank you, Annette, for carrying these into my house. Thank You, Lauri and your designer at Safeway for creating this beauty! Thank YOU all, Joan
Crawling out of the hole of fatigue Joan C. King I began to crawl out of the hole of fatigue of the first week after Chemo #4. Saturday at Vintages we tasted mixtures of wines to blend our next batches. This morning walking in the canyon felt like opening to new life. This is my [...] One of the most important relationships in our lives is our relationship with TIME. Listen to Joan's Jolt and see how you might develop a new relationship with Time.
Thank you, my dear friends, for driving from Fort Collins CO and Loveland, CO to accompany me to this book signing. Ann Clarke thanks for organizing this and driving us all! YOU made this a special event! AND thank you my friends from Boulder for joining us. I hope that each of you received a [...]
My passion is evoking greatness in myself, my family, friends, associates, clients and EVERYONE. Yet "GREATNESS" is a big concept and may be difficult to get our minds around. Listen to my podcast and consider "What is GREATNESS for YOU?"