Monthly Archives: March 2010


The Sony building in Tokyo

By |2010-03-31T18:46:20+00:00March 31st, 2010|News|

Take a look at this. At ground level, photo 1, can you detect the Sony Building from this level? We didn't and walked around and around without finding it. Then we asked someone and realized we had passed it. Now look at the second photo. This is what we saw when we looked up. So, [...]

Coaching in Japan

By |2010-03-31T16:50:45+00:00March 31st, 2010|News|

From the calm of the temples of Kyoto, we moved yesterday to a medical school environment in Nagoya and today we arrived in Tokyo and experienced its fast moving pace. If you are in the Tokyo area, check out our event this evening from 7 - 9 pm. Details can be found on my calendar: [...]

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